Choosing between a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and a Health Savings Account (HSA) can be confusing and lead to frustration. Here is a quick list of […]
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate have placed a costly burden on employers who traditionally did not extend employer sponsored health […]
As Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are growing in popularity, employers having increasing questions on the difference between Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs), FLEX Spending Accounts (FSAs) and […]
The keys to a great software are accessibility and customization. The Software is useless if it isn’t intuitive enough to use and won’t serve all your […]
We don’t typically use our blog to talk about ourselves, but we felt this campaign would be worth promoting to our readership. So please forgive the […]
By now most employers and HR professionals are well aware of the data required for Affordable Care Act testing and reporting. The measurement periods continue to […]
While the results of this fall’s national elections might re-shape the debate around the Affordable Care Act (the ACA), substantive change, if any, won’t occur until […]
The Family Medical Leave Act is a form of unpaid job protection that allows employees to take time off for specific family-related medical reasons. This […]